Q&A with FDA Podcast: CURE ID, A Tool for Clinicians to Report New Uses of Existing Drugs with Heather Stone and Dr. Marco Schito
January 18, 2024 - January 17, 2027
This enduring material focuses on the significance of CURE ID, an internet-based repository, that allows the global community to report novel uses of existing drugs for difficult-to-treat diseases through a website, a smartphone, or other mobile device. This activity describes the purpose of CURE ID along with potential improvements and future expansion of disease areas within the CURE ID app.
- CURE ID Moves to Automated Data Collection in Light of COVID Pandemic: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/our-perspective/cure-id-moves-automated-data-collection-light-covid-pandemic
- CURE ID Home Page: https://cure.ncats.io/home
- CURE ID App Lets Clinicians Report Novel Uses of Existing Drugs: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/science-and-research-drugs/cure-id-app-lets-clinicians-report-novel-uses-existing-drugs
- FDA launches app for health care professionals to report novel uses of existing medicines for patients with difficult-to-treat infectious diseases: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-launches-app-health-care-professionals-report-novel-uses-existing-medicines-patients-difficult
- Summarize the purpose of CURE ID and its relation in enhancing the FDA's role in supporting real-world data.
- Discuss the significance and latest developments of CURE ID in providing accessibility to clinical experience of repurposing drugs when there is an immediate need of new treatments in the absence of drug development.
- Describe the objective of CURE ID in potentially streamlining the transition of treatment discoveries into clinical trials, offering valuable clinical data to refine trial hypotheses and strategic designs.
- Explain the uses of the tool within specialized patient populations such as pregnant people and neonates for whom treatment data is often limited.
This activity is intended for physicians, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, nurses, Certified Public Health Professionals, and physician assistants.
Registration is complimentary; therefore refunds are not applicable. For information on how to register to attend this activity, please contact the Activity Coordinator(s) listed above.
All learners claiming credit must attest to their attendance and complete all required activity evaluation(s) in the FDA CE Portal (ceportal.fda.gov) within 14 days after an activity ends. Upon completion, learners may view/print statement of credit.
Attention NABP Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians: The FDA CE Team will report your credit to the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) provided you add your NABP ID and date of birth to your profile in the FDA CE Portal. The only official Statement of Credit is the one you pull from CPE Monitor®. If you do not see your credit reflected on CPE Monitor®* after 45 days of attestation, please contact FDACETeam@fda.hhs.gov.
*CPE Monitor® sets a strict 60-day limit on uploading credits.
- Roach, Sara, PharmD, Pharmacist, FDA - I have the following relationship(s): Walgreens Pharmacy - Employee
- Schito, Marco, PhD, Executive Director, Critical Path Institute - nothing to disclose
- Stone, Heather, MPH, Health Science Policy Analyst, FDA/CDER - nothing to disclose
Planning Committee
- Cao, Christian, MPAS, PA-C, Cross-Discipline Safety Advisor, FDA/CDER/OSE/OPE - nothing to disclose
- De Fronzo, Kimberly, RPh, MS, MBA, Consumer Safety Officer, FDA/CDER/OCOMM/DDI - nothing to disclose
- Kapoor, Rama, MD, Senior Physician, FDA - nothing to disclose
- Paraoan, Dianne, MPH, BSN, RN, Associate Director for Regulatory Affairs, FDA/ CDER/ OMP - nothing to disclose
CE Consultation and Accreditation Team
- Henderson, Darlise, MBA, Training Specialist, FDA/CDER/OEP/DLOD - nothing to disclose
- Bryant, Traci, M.A.T., Lead Training Specialist, FDA/CDER/OEP/DLOD - nothing to disclose
- Wood, Sara, Accreditation Program Administrator, CECAT, FDA/CDER/OEP/DLOD - nothing to disclose
All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated.
Must attend 100% of the activity.
Initial Release Date
January 18, 2024
Expiration Date
January 17, 2027